Monday, December 19, 2011

Jingle Bell Run - Score one for Team Hill Country Trekkers

Luke even got in the spirit by being in costume!

Our team had 9 members and some interesting "facts".  Our youngest member (Luke Boyle, grandson) was 29 DAYS  old, a less than a month postpartum mom (Stefanie Boyle) who gave birth via c-section, oldest member (though not registered for the race, Virginia Griffin) 84 years old.
Mom and Linda finished a mile!  Mom's first in a few years! Linda pushed mom in a wheel chair !   Mom's legs were tired and Linda's arms were tired after the race!
Mike and his first place Jingle Bell!
Mike Largo (Brother-in-law) finished 1st in his age bracket (60+),
 my daughter Erica Griffin finished last in her age bracket (20-29) and last overall.  I'm sure Erica would like me to explain that she walked with me instead of running her own race, and that she actually beat me, but official timing doesn't show that since I didn't pick up a timing chip! 

 I would like to explain that I walked with my granddaughter  (Abby Boyle, age 7)
Abby's pre-race concentration..
or was she just trying to adjust her  Jingle Bells?
 instead of running my own race!  Finally, I'm sure Abby would like me to explain, that this was her first 5k and it was the "farthestest she has ever walked!"

Mark Boyle took great pictures during the race and kept a good look out for our Ohio Buckeye runner, Lindsay, and he check almost every ravine to see if she had gone off on her own course!

Lindsay stretching prerace.  She ran most of it and did very well! 

I got to add another "interesting sign" see on the race course:

Although it was dark, and we were one of the last to finish.  Finish we did!

After the race we enjoyed the million of lights of the "Light the Way Festival".  

We then headed out over to Mi Tierra's, which is always decorated like it is Christmas time!  We enjoyed the food and got to experience a mariachi band bar with all the whistling and eye-ya-eyeing anyone could ever ask for!

Post Race Meal, at an institution in San Antonio!

We raised almost $400.  We had a great time (Especially Mike!), hopefully I'll do better next year on the recruiting and fund raising!  

Click here to get a '3D flyover' of the course....and a straight line flight from the finish line to Mi Tierra's where I accidently pressed the 'restart' button on my Forerunner Watch!   Flyover! 

(I think you might need Google Earth to see this, but I'm not sure).

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Dang it all

Stepped on the scale for this week's weigh in, and hit 200 lbs.  Dang it all, but I'm really concerned because 1) the holidays are upon us, 2) I've watched my weight creep back up for the last several weeks but haven't improved my eating or exercising habits and 3) I don't think I'm really that upset that I've gone back up to the 200 lb mark and that what really worries me.

I did work on a sewing project this week.  I made a pillow case for Abbey with Disney themed fabric.  I even finished it!  We are planning a trip to Disney World in early February and that Abbey learning that will be part of her Christmas morning.  We can''t wait and I'm going to try to plan enter a race for the week we will be in Florida.

This coming weekend is the "Jingle Bell Run" and I'm very excited about it, although I didn't recruit as many team members as I wanted, nor raise much money for the event.  I'm glad we did form a team and it gives a good start for beating our numbers for next year!

Well laundry is done, and I do want to "run" today, so I'll close by saying "Gotta Run!"

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Light the Night 5k @ Sea World

Entrance to Sea World - Decorated for Christmas 

Yesterday evening Leta drove me to Sea World from Fredericksburg, we left in drizzle and cold temperatures and ran into fog shortly after we left.  After we came down from the hill country and headed into San Antonio we then ran into ....traffic at the I-10 / 1604 loop interchange.  For a few stressful moments, we thought we might be late for the race.  We did make it ok, and met up with Erica and Tom.  Here they are pre-race
Love Erica's Crown! 
We warmed up by an Olympian Race Walker (who later won his age division in the 5k) and soon the race was started.  We began the race about as expected running through the pathways in the park, and past neat decorations, such as the candy tree forest .
Soon though, we headed out and into the parking lot.  We ran a long way out and back into the parking lot, and then back into the park proper, but not on the same paths.  The course wound around quite a bit and also was a bit hillier than I expected.  Also it seemed to me, that the run around in the parking lot was no where near half way into the race, but rather more like 1/3 of the way, but I assumed it was the halfway point.  So I became a bit demoralized on the way back to the finish line!  But I did finish after 34:14 officially.  This is my second fastest time for a 5k race, with only the Wild Flower run being faster.

After the race, we picked up the goody bags, and headed over to the 'chow line' and picnic area.  The menu include 3 bean salad, potato salad, coleslaw, hot dogs, sausage, pulled pork and cookies!

After dinner, we wandered over to the arena and watched a great show with the "shamu" family of whales.  It was corney and very funny and moving all at the same time!

The race was a fund raiser for the Prevention of Blindness and had over 850 participants (both walkers and runners), Erica's team (UIW) had 89 team members (and they provided the tshirt).  The group that sponcered the race, gave vision screenings/exams to over 5,000 low income/unisured people in Bexar County last year and referred over 500 for follow up care.

Next years race will be  Friday December 7,2012, and I can't wait!
Still smiling after the race, and yes those are live flamingos! 

Thursday, December 1, 2011

November Recap - What a month!?!

Our 7 lb Turkey!

November, what a month it was.  First and most importantly, Luke joined us in time for thanksgiving, him and his mom are doing just fine, giving us another reason to be thankful.  Lindsay prepared the thanksgiving day meal and did a wonderful job of it.  None of us were struck with food poisoning, again giving us reason to thank the Almighty for his blessings.  We got to have a Sunday dinner with Erica, Tom  and my mom, and return the hedge-hog to Erica, and yes it was still alive, giving me a few more reasons to count my blessings!  We purchase a new little car, giving us transportation once again.  Finally, and not necessarily least, Michigan 40, Ohio State 34, priceless!

The finish line (and ambulance) are in sight!

I ran a 5k in November, the Fredericksburg Turkey Trot, and took 3rd in my age group, receiving the bronze medal for my efforts, and the fact that only 2 others in my age bracket participated!  It was a beautiful day for a run.  I finshed the race in 39:59, breaking the 40 minute mark!

I'm signed up for 2 runs in December.  Friday is the 5k run at Sea World.  I'm pumped about it, and hope to do well.  Sea World should be decorated for Christmas so I'm expecting a neat 'looking' run.  I'm also signed up for the Jingle Bell Run for Arthritis, and am looking forward to that race.

Speaking about looking forward, Leta gave me my Christmas gift early.  She got me a Garmin Forerunner 410, a GPS sports "watch", that can track all kinds of workout and run data, helping in training and running of races.  She gave it to me early so I could try to figure out how to use it, prior to the upcoming races.  So far, I've figured out how to charge it!  <I should be reading the owners manual now, but of course this blog is more important!>

Did I just mention workout statistics and facts?  My numbers from November are a mixed bag. My weight is back up, I'm within 1 pound of the dreaded 200 pound mark.  I did work out a few more times in November than in October, and ran 20.97 miles vs just over 8 miles.  My total mileage for the year stands 321 miles.

Goals for December:  Increase mileage again, exercise more consistently and add some 'cross training', resume lossing weight, and set goals for next year!

How was your November?  What are you most thankful for?  Do you set goals or make New Years.'s resolutions?

Well laundry should be just about dry.  Gotta run!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Operation - Hedgehog Watch

Day 1 - Said hedgehog arrived a few hours ago.  Cats were (are) extremely curious.  Especially Weezy F. Baby.  He is sitting guard duty as I type this.  Little Kitty on the other hand is mad at Weezy....she growls fiercely if he even dares to look in her direction.  Leta's happy because she thinks she is getting a dog out of this deal.  Because this woman who loves ALL of God's creations, with 2 exceptions....snakes, which we ALL knew about, but also...(drum roll pleaz)....Hedgehogs!!  Who would have thunk it??

Will Leta get a new pet?,   Will T. Lullah survive the cats siege?  Will Tom survive Leta, the cats and T. Lullah?   Will the office manager find out we have an unathorized pet "visiting" (let alone staying with us) and will it result in a lease violation?

Tune in next episode and find out!

BTW I did walk 3.26 miles tonight!
Gotta Run...

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Welcome Little Luke!

 Grandson, Little Luke!

Our newest member of the family.  We have something else to be grateful for this Thanksgiving.  What a miracle!  He arrived yesterday and weight-in at  7lbs and 4 oz and 21 inches.  Wonder what that makes is BMI.....

I on the other hand, weighed in at 193.8 up 4.4 lbs since my last official weigh in a couple of weeks ago.  Hmmm looks like diet and exercising really might have something to do with with weight loss/gain, as I have been eating way (weigh?) too much junk and sugar and have rarely been exercising.  We also got a car a week ago or so, so the bike mileage is down too.  With the Holidays quickly approaching, I hate to see the trend headed in the direction it is going.

On a more positive note, I'm am registered for a few races.  There is the Turkey Trot here in Fredericksburg on Saturday after Thanksgiving.  On December 2, (a Friday night) there is a run at Sea World in San Antonio to raise money for Prevent Blindness, and on December 17, there is the Jingle Bell Run for the Arthritis Foundation...

We are doing great on our team for the Jingle Bell Run!  We have 5 members of the team so far, I've invited Boo, Tom and Tamra to join us too.  We even had a donation from Dr. Chelsea Clinton, Leta's and Erica's Arthritis doctor!

Thats all for now.

Gotta Run!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Back on Track?

Good news on many fronts!  Leta's disability came through, so we have some cash.  We got a new car, so we have transportation, more than just a bike.  My Jingle Bell Run for Arthritis has made it to 5 team members, half way to the goal, and I haven't even asked at work.  I got out and exercised 3 times this week, equaling the number of times I exercised for the entire month of October.  I've signed up for a 5K on Saturday after Thanksgiving, a run to benefit the local school system.  And today we are finally going to celebrate Erica's birthday!  So things seem like they are getting back on track.

We had a nice celebration with Erica, Tom, Tom's brother, Gordon, and my mom.  Erica requested Hungarian Goulash, and we had noodles, corn, asparagus, sour-dough bread, celery and carrot sticks with a dip.  Mom brought a Velvet cake and we had chocolate ice-cream.   Leta had found a very pretty 'hobo bag' for in Austin, and we put some chocolate bars, energy bars, hot chocolate and gummi bears it.  We also put a pair of Christmas socks.

While she was here Erica mentioned a run at Sea-World on December 2, to benefit Prevent Blindness - Texas.  This is a fund raiser for a group that promotes eye screenings, eye health, vision research and advocacy for eye health, research, etc.  After the run, there will a private showing for the participants.  I assume Sea-World will be decorated for Christmas too, so I think this should be a pretty cool run too!  I signed up for it, now to work on Leta!

Well the laundry is waiting to be transferred to the dryer, so....

Gotta Run

Friday, November 4, 2011

False Alarm, and October Recap

A few days ago I reported that Little Luke was on his way.  Well technically, that was (and is) correct, he still hasn't made his eagerly awaited entrance as of yet.  His Mama said something like "7-10 days, 3 weeks tops, Buddy!"

October started out great.  I participated in the Kraut 8k run in Fredericksburg and took 2nd in my age group (out of two participants), and I won a medal!  I also set a personal record (PR) for the 8k distance, as this was my first attempt at this distance.

I only exercised two other times for the month.  For a grand total of 8.22 miles for the month and completing just over 300 miles for the year.  Leta and I did go out and walk around the apartment complex several times, but I did not include those walks in my totals.  I did manage to maintain my weight at 190 lbs.  But the trend was not good as by the end of the month I was eating tons of sugar (I'll blame Halloween and drinking real Cokes, along with rediscovering pies, and cheese cake).

The lack of exercise and the over consumption of sugar needs to be reversed!  My goals for this month are to exercise at least 10 times during the month, and to get back on track with the diet.  And to finish (start) Little Luke's quilt.  Finally I need to get signed up for the Hot Chocolate 15k/5k aka "America's Sweetest Race", which features Ghirardelli hot chocolate and fondue after the race.  I WILL run for chocolate!

Leta has signed us up for the Hill Country Turkey Trot on Saturday 11/26/11 at 8:30am, and we are signed up for the Jingle Bell Arthritis run, for Saturday December 17, 2011 at 5:30PM,  So far no one else has joined our team or made a donation, but I'm still optimistic....

Gotta run!

(I think I just 'stumbled' up my closing tag line for this blog!)

Sunday, October 30, 2011

It's Happening...

Its Happening! Little Luke is on his way, and Stefanie and Mark are headed to Labor and Delivery.  Unfortunately, we have no way to get to Austin, so Leta is feeling pretty depressed, not to mention anxious and nervous!  Yikes I really need to work on the baby quilt!

Nothing much else is going on.  Got a hair cut today, someone should be coming out from San Antonio to buy the bike, and I got 2 "Thanks A Lotto " cards from work, for my efforts this past quarter.

I haven't been running or exercising and I've been eating tons of sugar again.  Incredibly, my weight was down about .4 lbs.  I did get out and ran one time this past week.  I'm feeling more and more convicted about eating better (more fruits, vegetables, organic stuff, etc), also eating at more regular times and better menu planning.  The guilt of not exercising also is bothering me.  So lets see how I do in November!

I've signed up for the Jingle Bell 5K Run/Walk for Arthritis.  Even more than signing up for the walk, I've created a team to try to do some fund raising.  My motivations are, the girls in my life all seem to have been diagnosed with a Arthritis, and it is the number one cause of disability in the country.  If you would like to join the team or donate the link is below.  The event is in San Antonio, at the University of the Word Incarnate campus on December 17th.  There is a health fair that starts at 2:30 PM and the 1 Mile fun run is at 4:30, 5K race is at 5:00 PM.

Finally, I've been contemplating bible studies.  Leta and I are considering leading one in our apartment, for the  other residents but I don't feel qualified to lead, nor do I have any idea how to put one together.  I don't know how to select a topic or book, have to prepare, how to host and lead the actual study, how long the studies should last (both the individual meeting and the number of weeks we should meet).  As you can see, God is in the details!  So keep us in prayer as we try to sort all this out.

That being said, part of me thinks something along the lines, of "Just Do It" (catchy phrase no?  :-)  ) and as long as we offer hospitality and stay bible focused, we really can't "go wrong" if we let the Spirit lead us.  So again, I ask for your prayers!  Also feel free to send any suggestions, comments, ideas, resource materials or articles, etc!

Have a great week!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Cooler at Last

My favorite time of year is finally arrived in Texas.  Although it is much cooler, with nights in the 40's days generally in the 80-90m range, and it does feel a bit like fall., the trees and foliage haven't started to change colors (other than turn brown after a couple of rain storms, at least temporarily, breaking the drought).

Since last post, I ran the 8K Kraut Run here in Fredericksburg and completed it in just over 1 hour.  That was good enough for 2nd place in my age division. Yeah ok, there were only 2 of us in my age division, but I still accepted the medal!   That was the last time I exercised, other than riding my bike (sole means of transportation, other than the old reliable, "shoe leather express".  So I've renewed my commitment, to continue to exercise and eat better, as I have "backslid" a bit in that area as well.    The good news is, that after the run I was down to my lowest weight in years at 189.4, and I have added less than a pound.  Thank you Jesus, as that is a miracle.

Celebrated my birthday with Erica and Mom.  Leta was visiting with Mark and Stefanie and Abigail.  We both had great visits!  Leta got to go to the Wildfire Victims Relief Concert, featuring Willie Nelson, Dixie Chicks, George Strait (need I say any more Leta?) and other Texas legends.  They raised over 500,000 and are still counting.  Leta also went with Stef to her doctor's appointment and got to see the latest ultrasound of Luke Edward.  (Which reminds me, I STILL haven't started on his blanket yet!   Yikes another thing to get finished!)

I recently read a small book that had letters CS Lewis had written to children.  It was great and I like CS Lewis even better than before I read the book.  I wouldn't have thought that was possible!  I'm also rereading "The Perfect Day" by Richard Paul Evans, another of my favorite authors.

What are you reading?  Who is your favorite author(s)?

Gotta Run!

Sunday, September 25, 2011


Time for a rant.  I don't know why I set goals or write lists.  I don't often accomplish more than a couple of them, if even that many!  Then I fret and worry and berate myself.  Just as an example in my last post, I set 5 goals, and it looks like the only one, I'll even "complete" is the "Training program for the upcoming Kraut Run".   It is only because it is an 'open ended' type goal, that I can claim it.

This weekend was Stefanie's baby shower, (or should I say it was "SBL"s (Sweet Baby Luke's) Baby shower)??  And the baby quilt...well it is still uncut fabric in a drawer someplace.   Although I'll claim one step forward on it, I just purchased an iron as our old one is missing since the move.

Oh the move...that was a goal to get unpacked.  We have done maybe 4 boxes from the "storage room"  and still are eating off of paper plates.  Although I have found 1 coffee cup....I was using it to scoop cat litter (CLEAN litter!)  and had to reclaim it for its original intended use.  On a positive note...I did find the bathroom scale, although I had to replace the batteries.

As for my running 12 times and 30 miles in September, I think I'll hit 10 times and 34 miles!  IF I get out and do my last 3 work outs this week!  

Final note, picked up a new bike at Wal-mart today.  Brought it home and assembled it.  Took it out for a ride and nothing fell off, so looks like I can retire the almost 40 year old Fuji Special Road Racer.  It has been a great ride!

  • As I was typing this entry, I went from being frustrated and down on myself , to mildly surprised that I was actually closer to my goals than I thought I was.  Maybe I shouldn't be so hard on myself?
  • Do you use goals and how to you react when you don't accomplish them?

Vital Stats
Beginning Weight - 193.8
BMI - 28.6
Miles Walked/Ran - 13.48
Y-T-D Miles Walked/Ran - 280'11
Ending Weight -190.4
BMI - 28.1
Weight Lost <Gain>- 3.4
YTD Weight Lost - 29.6

Friday, September 9, 2011

Up and Running again

Wow how the time flies.  Leta and I (and the movers) packed the house, loaded most everything onto the truck and got it up to Fredericksburg.  What didn't fit on the truck, we moved in Erica's car and it 'only' took about 4 more trips.  We started early in the morning and went to late into the night.  But we proved you can pack and move an entire house in one day.  (Now unpacking that is another story!).

Sweet Sweet Penny
We had an "it was the best of times, it was the worst of times" week.  We had to put Penny down, as she had suffered a stroke and couldn't get up gy herself any longer.  She was loved and had a good long 16 years or so.  She was a princess and she knew it, although she infuriated me at times because she acted as if she was a cat.  She was the sweetest dog, and just knew everyone and everything was placed on Earth to meet her and be her friend.... Couldn't stay mad at her very long, that was for sure.  I think she even forgave me for taking her for a walk where she met her kryptonite.....those evil snowmen!

On the lighter side, I was finally made full-time at HEB.  Also, I've decided it is time to replace my bike.  Although I love it and it has served me well over the last 30 some years, it desperately needs work.  For example the rear tire is down to cords, the front brake lever bracket (that attaches the lever to the handlebar) broke and the front brake lever is now dangling down in front of the front tire.  Also I think I should have fenders, cargo rack, lights and a chain guard.  I stopped at the local bike store and they said it would cost $150-$200 to get it restored, and although the quality of the bike is great, it still would have old technology and the riding position wouldn't be as comfortable as the newer bikes.

I've also decided to enter the 2nd Annual Kruat run.  It is an 8k race, roughly 5 miles!  Yikes I really have to  Get Up and Get Running.  I have only have 3 weeks!  The best part of this race, it helps kick off Octoberfest in Fredericksburg!

2nd Annual Kraut Run
I haven't found  (see comment above about the progress of unpacking!) the bathroom scale yet, so I can't update my weight but my stats for August were:

I exercised 9 times

Ran/Walked  24.19 Miles  (Lowest monthly total for 2011 )
Pace averaged 12:41  (Fastest Pace for 2011)
Y-T-D mileage 260.11

Goals for September

  •  Run 12 Times
  •  30 miles total
  • Training program for the upcoming Kraut Run
  • Start and FINISH Luke Edward's baby quilt by the 9/23 (Baby shower on the 24th!)
  • Get unpacked!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Chupacabra Days of Summer

In keeping the tradition of doing everything but what I need to be doing, (e.g. completing my exercise commitment for the day, or packing in preparation for our next move).  In fact, I think I started this blog when I should have been getting ready to move to Texas!  So without further ado....

You know its hot when the bank temperature signs apologize for displaying the current temperature!

I worked Tuesday fairly early and got home around 6:30 PM.  It had been (actually it still was) a very hot day in Texas.  So the house had been hot all day (even with A/C) and Leta had been "trapped" all day, as I had taken the car to work, so she was a bit stir crazy and more than a little ready to go for a drive and cool down in the car.  (It's a/c works GREAT and will frost your glasses when you get out of the car).  I think you know going for drives is one of our favorite things to do.  So anyhow (sorry apparently I write like I talk, rambling and all over the place!) I pulled into the driveway and before I could git out of the car, Leta was by my door saying "move over, we are going somewhere, I don't get where, but we are going." 

We cruised around the outskirts of town, when all of a sudden I noticed some movement just off the shoulder of the road, and Leta sees it at the same time and we both yell "Its a Roadrunner!"  and it was running!  What a cool bird!  Later (by now we were further out in the country) we are driving and see a large mostly black bird along the side of the road, and we both think it is a vulture, as they are so prevalent, but then notice it has a large white area on its breast and neck and a 'crown', and again as we go buy we both yell "I think that was a crested caracara!"   We also saw a Scissor-tail sitting on the fence, and innumerable deer, both white-tail, axis, and other exotics.

We really enjoyed the drive and looking for wildlife and examining every creek as we crossed the bridges to see if there was even a drop of water in a pool.    We think we are seeing so many animals, because they are moving earlier looking for water, and food, as most of the 'grasses' have died.  They are having lots of trouble with snakes (someone posted a picture on facebook of a seven plus foot rattlesnake they killed on their ranch) and scorpions, etc  

Also the other night, I got off at midnight, and on the way home we saw a bobcat run across the road!  Yes, we are sure it wasn't a dog, cat, coyote, raccoon, armadillo, opossum, or even a Chupacabra (a mytholigcal mexican animal, the name means goat blood sucker)! 

Yesterday, I had off and continuing the tradition of doing everything but what I should be doing we drove to San Antonio to Hancock Fabrics and Leta picked out material for 2 sewing Projects for me.  I want to make her a tote bag with 1 or 2 "Log Cabin" squares.  I even have checked out the book "Quilt in a Day" which has instructions to make a QUILT (with many squares, not just 2 ) so I figure I should be able to whip it out quickly!  Here is the material she selected for that project. 

The second project is a blanket for baby Luke.  Here is the selection for the blanket (Stefanie wants a 'monkey' theme for Luke so we honored that!

Well I think I've stalled long enough and this post is probably getting boring so I think I better go find some socks and my running shoes and head out before it gets too much hotter.  Sorry!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

July Update

Only a little late, but better late than never, right?

It has been very hot and it reflects in  my (lack of) running.  Although it started off pretty good.  I ran a 4 mile(!) run in San Antoniom (see race report here ).  After that I was "lucky" if I ran more than once a week, although I always managed to run at least once per week.    To combat the lack of 'getting' out there and "Just do it" (note to self nice tag line, maybe I should copy right it!) I signed up for a Presidential Fitness Challenge on the web sight (see here for more info), and the 10k training program.

Goals for August:
Participate and record Presidential Fitness Challenge work outs, (30 minutes of exercise, 5 times a week!)
Run 50 miles (highest monthly mileage ever)
Lose 5 lbs
Get house packed up and cleaned
Get yard cleaned up
Get moved
Blog and complete 3 sewing projects (quilted place mats, Leta's Log-cabin tote bag, and Luke's baby quilt)

Wow lots to do!  (speaking of which, I need to finish this post and go for a morning run!)

Happy trails to you!

Without further ado, here are the not so pretty stats from July.  Although the could have been worse

Miles Run - 26.02  pace of 13:30
Y-T-D miles -  234.29
WT - 194
LBS gained - 1.8 lbs
Y-T-D LBS lost - 26.0

Leta didn't get out and walk, too hot and sore.  But new apartment has a pool, trails and is across the street from the high school so we should have ample opportunity to work out. 
Y-T-D miles -  3.1
LBS lost - 19 (from her last Dr.s appointment)
Y-T-D LBS lost 

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Missin It

Missin(g) seems to be my theme this week.  Leta and I are missing our friends, church and weather back in Michigan.  I'm missing the goals I set for the week(s).  Leta misses her girls.  And it just seems like were missin(g) so much that life has to offer....

Ok enough of the lamenting....  I was able to complete the Ready Set Go program with HEB (the online educational portion of the training to walk/run a 5k) and I was able to get out and run 3 times this week.  So there were some high spots.

Vital Stats
Beginning Weight - 196.0
BMI - 28.9
Miles Walked/Ran - 9.26
Y-T-D Miles Walked/Ran - 224.72
Ending Weight -193.7
BMI - 28.6
Weight Lost <Gain>- 2.3
YTD Weight Lost - 26.3

Sunday, July 10, 2011

It has been hard

It has been hard this week.  I only ran once this week.  The four mile Freedom Day we ran on July 4th.  (You can see my race report here: ).  Like that Nike ad, I have had a million excuses not to run this week, and my eating was terrible.  All this bad stuff showed up in my numbers this week.  I gained 3.8 lbs.  Oh well this is a new week and I've already got 2.88 miles in and I didn't hate it.

I'm praying for lots of stuff right now, cooler weather, rain, that I continue to do well at work, and of course, that we hit the lottery!

Ending on a more positive note, I was able to fix our leaking faucet in the bath tub.  Took the washers in and was told "we've been in the business for 70 years and those are the worst we've ever seen!  But we got them replace and now the water doesn't drip (much less than the trickle that was flowing before the repair job!)

I didn't sleep well last night so I think I'll go take a nap, as I have to work to midnight tonight.

Vital Stats
Beginning Weight - 195.2
BMI - 28.8
Miles Walked/Ran - 4.0
Y-T-D Miles Walked/Ran - 215.46
Ending Weight -196.0
BMI - 28.9
Weight Lost <Gain>- <3.8>
YTD Weight Lost - 24

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Freedom Day 4 Miler

Spent the night in San Antonio with Erica, so we wouldn't have to get up a hour earlier to make the drive into San Antonio to the race.  As we closed the door to leave Kerrville, Leta realized we didn't have keys and had just locked ourselves out of the house.  What a great start we were having!  After arriving at Erica's I made her a batch of the No-Bake cookies before we headed for the couch (me) and the chair (Leta) for a short night. We got up about 6 AM and headed towards the race, which was held at The National Shooting Complex.  What a great facility they have there, and what a great local for a race, as the course was about 90% paved roads (inside the complex and with no traffic to contend with).

Erica was flying to Detroit in the afternoon and I had to get to work in Fredericksburg by noon, so we were on a very tight schedule.  We planned on going to the race, staying for awards and door prizes, returning to Erica's apartment, taking quick showers, dropping Erica off and the airport and getting to Fredericksburg before noon.  In the confusion of planning what we needed to pack in the car, and when, I managed to leave the bibs behind in Erica's apartment.  I realized this about half way to race.  So we decided that since this probably wasn't the first time someone had forgotten their bibs after picking them up early, they probably had a solution for this eventuality, or if they didn't, we would "run for the fun of it"(??), that is, with out the official chip timing devices and just keep track of our own times via our watches.  Luckily, they were able to give us new bibs and it was not a problem at all!

Leta found the volunteer coordinator and was put to work cutting up fruit, cookies, and helping with the 1,000 (!) hot dogs they were grilling!  She also helped the lady at registration packing up her boxes.  When she was done, she found a folding chair and the best spot in the pavilion, that is a spot out of the sun, and with a cool breeze blowing in!  Because she volunteered she should get a shirt (they had run out!) and she got us a free entry to a future race!

The only suggestion I have to improve the race is more porta potties near the start, as I got in the line about 20 minutes to the start, and was still in the line as they fired the gun!   With so many people there (in excess of 750) and I being errrr "detained", Erica and I didn't find each and so we weren't able to run together.

They course started off on a long downhill and meandered around alot of the 700 acre complex.  Past MANY trap and skeet ranges.  There were water and gatorade stations at miles 1, 2, and, 3; along with Porta potties on the course.  Water was also placed  in coolers between the mile marker stations at various skeet/trap ranges.

Prior to the race, we were instructed not to leave the roadways, do to the danger of rattlesnakes!  I took this picture along the course and decided that, yes it did make me run faster!  If I would have seen a snake I really would have moved faster!

The course was mostly downhill, for the first half, meaning that it was mostly uphill for the second half!  And the last hill was a killer!  It was hot, even at 7:30 AM and my strategy became one of walk the uphills (although when I saw Erica waiting for me near the finish line to encourage me, I decided I really had to run to the finish line!) and run, on the downhills/and when in shade.

When I finally crossed the finish line an icecold wash cloth was handed to me, and it was wonderful!  There was a lot of food, drinks waiting for us, and we cooled down and snacked.  Prior to the race I saw that beer and hot dogs were provided, and I thought who would want a hot dog at 8:30 AM?.  Well after the race and finding Leta in the best location in the building, I started feeling a bit err "faint" and knowing I was replacing fluids, I thought maybe my blood sugar might be low, and a hot dog with the bun and condiments, with the protein and salt from the hot dog, and the carbs from the bun and condiments might help.  After eating, I did feel much better!  Poor Erica was not only feeling faint but also had "the worst conjunctivitis of my life".

We saw a runner, "the I Beat Cancer, Never Give Up" shirt guy, we both had noticed at races all over the state!  He took a picture of Erica and I after the race and it should be found on his web page, but I haven't been able to locate it yet.  BTW he is an inspiration, as I thought I would use him as my 'rabbit' during the Fredericksburg race, but even though, he is older, and stopped to take lots of pictures, he beat me!

Post race pictures were taken and then we raced (in the car!) back to Erica's, the airport and Fredericksburg, where I punched in at 12:15, one minute later than the company's 'grace period', but after talking to the managers, I don't think I'm in any trouble!

My chip time was  48:12 (12:03/mile) and I was 23rd out of 28 in my age/gender group, 621st overall,  and a PR! (as it was my first 4 mile race).  ;-)

Erica beat my time, as hers was 45:37(11:24/mile) 17th of 24 in her AG, 564 overall,  I also believe this was a PR for her.

The pond we ran by (nary a drop of water in it!)

Even Leta came AND had a good time!

We survived!
This was the 36th annual race was a good one and one we will definitely try to do again!

PS:  Leta did use some of her secret talents and was able to "open" the locked door when she got home!

Friday, July 1, 2011

June and it is Hot in Texas

Just a quick note about June, as I have to run and then pack and get to work, besides doing whatever chores I can get done.

I was named "Service employee of the month" a HEB.  The financial situation did not improve though, as we struggle to make payments on current bills and to keep Leta supplied with meds.  We just passed the 30 day mark since Leta's hearing so we are 1/3 to 1/2 of the way on hearing the determination from the administrative law judge.  (Note to self <Great name for a blog eh? ;-)> we should figure how many days since the original application.

Erica has signed us up for a run on Monday (July 4th) and it is a 4 miler!  So I really need to get going on my mileage.  I'll run today and tomorrow and then take Sunday off.  We volunteered Leta to help with the race (she will be working 'food') and  she earns a Tshirt (tech no less!) and an entry into a future race.  I may have to volunteer for a race or 2!

Here are the numbers for June:

Miles Run - 37.99  pace of 15:07
Y-T-D miles -  208.27
WT - 192.2
LBS lost - 4.2 lbs
Y-T-D LBS lost - 27.8

Leta walked 1.5 miles!
Y-T-D miles -  3.1
LBS lost - 4.9 lbs
Y-T-D LBS lost (from max) - 25.7

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

It is Summer and it is Hot!

Yeppers it is hot and dry in Texas.  Walking more than running lately, but at least I got out a couple times this week.  Sat on the porch, sipped ice cold lemonade and watched the hummingbirds drink at the feeders.   Oh yeah, and I did lose another pound!

Erica has signed us up for a 4 mile race on the 4th of July.

 So overall it was a good week.

Vital Stats
Beginning Weight - 196.2
BMI - 29.0
Miles Walked/Ran - 13.13
Y-T-D Miles Walked/Ran - 201.08
Ending Weight -195.2
BMI - 28.8
Weight Lost <Gain>- 1.0
YTD Weight Lost - 24.8

Sunday, June 19, 2011

At least it is Father's Day...

This has been a pretty stressful week, to put it mildly!  And only God knows (no's!!??) what is in store for us, but we can still count our blessings, after all, it is Father's Day.

Tomorrow I start training for the business center.  I like the idea of working there, as there won't be nearly the number of customers, and the order size should be very small, finally the others should be much better too!

Nuff said for now...

Vital Stats
Beginning Weight - 197.2
BMI - 29.1
Miles Walked/Ran - 6.89
Y-T-D Miles Walked/Ran - 187.95
Ending Weight -196.2
BMI - 29.0
Weight Lost <Gain>- 1.0
YTD Weight Lost - 23.8