Monday, November 21, 2011

Operation - Hedgehog Watch

Day 1 - Said hedgehog arrived a few hours ago.  Cats were (are) extremely curious.  Especially Weezy F. Baby.  He is sitting guard duty as I type this.  Little Kitty on the other hand is mad at Weezy....she growls fiercely if he even dares to look in her direction.  Leta's happy because she thinks she is getting a dog out of this deal.  Because this woman who loves ALL of God's creations, with 2 exceptions....snakes, which we ALL knew about, but also...(drum roll pleaz)....Hedgehogs!!  Who would have thunk it??

Will Leta get a new pet?,   Will T. Lullah survive the cats siege?  Will Tom survive Leta, the cats and T. Lullah?   Will the office manager find out we have an unathorized pet "visiting" (let alone staying with us) and will it result in a lease violation?

Tune in next episode and find out!

BTW I did walk 3.26 miles tonight!
Gotta Run...

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Welcome Little Luke!

 Grandson, Little Luke!

Our newest member of the family.  We have something else to be grateful for this Thanksgiving.  What a miracle!  He arrived yesterday and weight-in at  7lbs and 4 oz and 21 inches.  Wonder what that makes is BMI.....

I on the other hand, weighed in at 193.8 up 4.4 lbs since my last official weigh in a couple of weeks ago.  Hmmm looks like diet and exercising really might have something to do with with weight loss/gain, as I have been eating way (weigh?) too much junk and sugar and have rarely been exercising.  We also got a car a week ago or so, so the bike mileage is down too.  With the Holidays quickly approaching, I hate to see the trend headed in the direction it is going.

On a more positive note, I'm am registered for a few races.  There is the Turkey Trot here in Fredericksburg on Saturday after Thanksgiving.  On December 2, (a Friday night) there is a run at Sea World in San Antonio to raise money for Prevent Blindness, and on December 17, there is the Jingle Bell Run for the Arthritis Foundation...

We are doing great on our team for the Jingle Bell Run!  We have 5 members of the team so far, I've invited Boo, Tom and Tamra to join us too.  We even had a donation from Dr. Chelsea Clinton, Leta's and Erica's Arthritis doctor!

Thats all for now.

Gotta Run!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Back on Track?

Good news on many fronts!  Leta's disability came through, so we have some cash.  We got a new car, so we have transportation, more than just a bike.  My Jingle Bell Run for Arthritis has made it to 5 team members, half way to the goal, and I haven't even asked at work.  I got out and exercised 3 times this week, equaling the number of times I exercised for the entire month of October.  I've signed up for a 5K on Saturday after Thanksgiving, a run to benefit the local school system.  And today we are finally going to celebrate Erica's birthday!  So things seem like they are getting back on track.

We had a nice celebration with Erica, Tom, Tom's brother, Gordon, and my mom.  Erica requested Hungarian Goulash, and we had noodles, corn, asparagus, sour-dough bread, celery and carrot sticks with a dip.  Mom brought a Velvet cake and we had chocolate ice-cream.   Leta had found a very pretty 'hobo bag' for in Austin, and we put some chocolate bars, energy bars, hot chocolate and gummi bears it.  We also put a pair of Christmas socks.

While she was here Erica mentioned a run at Sea-World on December 2, to benefit Prevent Blindness - Texas.  This is a fund raiser for a group that promotes eye screenings, eye health, vision research and advocacy for eye health, research, etc.  After the run, there will a private showing for the participants.  I assume Sea-World will be decorated for Christmas too, so I think this should be a pretty cool run too!  I signed up for it, now to work on Leta!

Well the laundry is waiting to be transferred to the dryer, so....

Gotta Run

Friday, November 4, 2011

False Alarm, and October Recap

A few days ago I reported that Little Luke was on his way.  Well technically, that was (and is) correct, he still hasn't made his eagerly awaited entrance as of yet.  His Mama said something like "7-10 days, 3 weeks tops, Buddy!"

October started out great.  I participated in the Kraut 8k run in Fredericksburg and took 2nd in my age group (out of two participants), and I won a medal!  I also set a personal record (PR) for the 8k distance, as this was my first attempt at this distance.

I only exercised two other times for the month.  For a grand total of 8.22 miles for the month and completing just over 300 miles for the year.  Leta and I did go out and walk around the apartment complex several times, but I did not include those walks in my totals.  I did manage to maintain my weight at 190 lbs.  But the trend was not good as by the end of the month I was eating tons of sugar (I'll blame Halloween and drinking real Cokes, along with rediscovering pies, and cheese cake).

The lack of exercise and the over consumption of sugar needs to be reversed!  My goals for this month are to exercise at least 10 times during the month, and to get back on track with the diet.  And to finish (start) Little Luke's quilt.  Finally I need to get signed up for the Hot Chocolate 15k/5k aka "America's Sweetest Race", which features Ghirardelli hot chocolate and fondue after the race.  I WILL run for chocolate!

Leta has signed us up for the Hill Country Turkey Trot on Saturday 11/26/11 at 8:30am, and we are signed up for the Jingle Bell Arthritis run, for Saturday December 17, 2011 at 5:30PM,  So far no one else has joined our team or made a donation, but I'm still optimistic....

Gotta run!

(I think I just 'stumbled' up my closing tag line for this blog!)