Monday, November 29, 2010

Making Plans

Sunday Night and all is well.  Leta and I watched the Hallmark "tearjerker movie of the season" and we weren't disappointed.  Before we could begin watching we had to have popcorn and a Mocha.  I found a simple Mocha recipe online. Sugar, cocoa, water, cream (milk), and coffee were all that were required and  it was surprisingly good, even Leta liked it.  And she normally isn't the least bit interested in any drink that is hot.

Then the planning began.  We spent some time budgeting our Move and planning some of the tasks that need to get done (sooner rather than later!).  Then we began researching the "runs" we may want to do next year in Texas (can you imagine how hot they might  be?).

We are thinking about attempting 1 per month, but haven't settled on any yet.  We seemed attracted to runs that claimed to be unique in some way.  Night time trail runs, and obstacle-course runs,  runs in Galvaston on the seawall, runs that benefit pet shelters (or other worthy causes/charities) and of course, runs that featured great eats afterwards.  We looked at the Blue Bell fun run (where you can eat all the Blue Bell ice-cream you want after you complete the race, and there was one run that featured BBQ and Beer for the participants!  So much for "running" being a healthy sport!  It looks like we have plenty of choices.

Well the Plan for tomorrow has been formulated.  My job is clean the kitchen, back room and bathroom.  We also want to go to the Y and I need to exercise as well as weigh-in and count my calories.

I gave my notice to Ford Kennedy on Saturday and I was sad and fer anxious about doing so.  I don't think he was happy to hear it, but did understand.  I had to work this afternoon and felt much affection from the other employees as they found out I was leaving.  They all expressed their sadness at me leaving as well as their understanding of why we decided we must go.  I realized again how much I love them and working with them all.  I will miss them all!  It was a humbling and uplifting day at work for me, and I will forever be greatful for the time I spent there.

As always, please KUIYP! (Keep us in your prayers!)


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