Friday, November 26, 2010

Git 'er Done!

Welcome to my blog on the net.  I decided to create this blog for several reasons.  The main one, if the truth be known, is it is a great procrastination tool!  I will need to perfect my post and learn about blogging, and get the settings correct, etc.  instead of doing the things I need to be doing, when I need to do them.  Some of those things are cleaning, tossing out stuff, etc.

My plan for the day is to work on this blog, then write my to do list, accomplish a few things on the list and then head into work.  I work at Polly's Country Market, where I am a "Front End Manager".  Sounds impressive!  It means I'm a cashier on steroids... I tell the baggers (yes we still employ baggers) to go get the shopping carts and I can get change for the other cashiers!

Well I hear my '20 minute rule' timer ringing and Leta is 'stirring' and Penny's tail is thumping downstairs, so I better post this, Premier Blog posting and start to "Git 'er Done"


1 comment:

  1. Okay smarty britches....if you think this will delay the think very wrong!! I'm onto you! The most important thing for you to do today is to talk to Ford....and tell him.

    Love you,
