Monday, December 19, 2011

Jingle Bell Run - Score one for Team Hill Country Trekkers

Luke even got in the spirit by being in costume!

Our team had 9 members and some interesting "facts".  Our youngest member (Luke Boyle, grandson) was 29 DAYS  old, a less than a month postpartum mom (Stefanie Boyle) who gave birth via c-section, oldest member (though not registered for the race, Virginia Griffin) 84 years old.
Mom and Linda finished a mile!  Mom's first in a few years! Linda pushed mom in a wheel chair !   Mom's legs were tired and Linda's arms were tired after the race!
Mike and his first place Jingle Bell!
Mike Largo (Brother-in-law) finished 1st in his age bracket (60+),
 my daughter Erica Griffin finished last in her age bracket (20-29) and last overall.  I'm sure Erica would like me to explain that she walked with me instead of running her own race, and that she actually beat me, but official timing doesn't show that since I didn't pick up a timing chip! 

 I would like to explain that I walked with my granddaughter  (Abby Boyle, age 7)
Abby's pre-race concentration..
or was she just trying to adjust her  Jingle Bells?
 instead of running my own race!  Finally, I'm sure Abby would like me to explain, that this was her first 5k and it was the "farthestest she has ever walked!"

Mark Boyle took great pictures during the race and kept a good look out for our Ohio Buckeye runner, Lindsay, and he check almost every ravine to see if she had gone off on her own course!

Lindsay stretching prerace.  She ran most of it and did very well! 

I got to add another "interesting sign" see on the race course:

Although it was dark, and we were one of the last to finish.  Finish we did!

After the race we enjoyed the million of lights of the "Light the Way Festival".  

We then headed out over to Mi Tierra's, which is always decorated like it is Christmas time!  We enjoyed the food and got to experience a mariachi band bar with all the whistling and eye-ya-eyeing anyone could ever ask for!

Post Race Meal, at an institution in San Antonio!

We raised almost $400.  We had a great time (Especially Mike!), hopefully I'll do better next year on the recruiting and fund raising!  

Click here to get a '3D flyover' of the course....and a straight line flight from the finish line to Mi Tierra's where I accidently pressed the 'restart' button on my Forerunner Watch!   Flyover! 

(I think you might need Google Earth to see this, but I'm not sure).

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Dang it all

Stepped on the scale for this week's weigh in, and hit 200 lbs.  Dang it all, but I'm really concerned because 1) the holidays are upon us, 2) I've watched my weight creep back up for the last several weeks but haven't improved my eating or exercising habits and 3) I don't think I'm really that upset that I've gone back up to the 200 lb mark and that what really worries me.

I did work on a sewing project this week.  I made a pillow case for Abbey with Disney themed fabric.  I even finished it!  We are planning a trip to Disney World in early February and that Abbey learning that will be part of her Christmas morning.  We can''t wait and I'm going to try to plan enter a race for the week we will be in Florida.

This coming weekend is the "Jingle Bell Run" and I'm very excited about it, although I didn't recruit as many team members as I wanted, nor raise much money for the event.  I'm glad we did form a team and it gives a good start for beating our numbers for next year!

Well laundry is done, and I do want to "run" today, so I'll close by saying "Gotta Run!"

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Light the Night 5k @ Sea World

Entrance to Sea World - Decorated for Christmas 

Yesterday evening Leta drove me to Sea World from Fredericksburg, we left in drizzle and cold temperatures and ran into fog shortly after we left.  After we came down from the hill country and headed into San Antonio we then ran into ....traffic at the I-10 / 1604 loop interchange.  For a few stressful moments, we thought we might be late for the race.  We did make it ok, and met up with Erica and Tom.  Here they are pre-race
Love Erica's Crown! 
We warmed up by an Olympian Race Walker (who later won his age division in the 5k) and soon the race was started.  We began the race about as expected running through the pathways in the park, and past neat decorations, such as the candy tree forest .
Soon though, we headed out and into the parking lot.  We ran a long way out and back into the parking lot, and then back into the park proper, but not on the same paths.  The course wound around quite a bit and also was a bit hillier than I expected.  Also it seemed to me, that the run around in the parking lot was no where near half way into the race, but rather more like 1/3 of the way, but I assumed it was the halfway point.  So I became a bit demoralized on the way back to the finish line!  But I did finish after 34:14 officially.  This is my second fastest time for a 5k race, with only the Wild Flower run being faster.

After the race, we picked up the goody bags, and headed over to the 'chow line' and picnic area.  The menu include 3 bean salad, potato salad, coleslaw, hot dogs, sausage, pulled pork and cookies!

After dinner, we wandered over to the arena and watched a great show with the "shamu" family of whales.  It was corney and very funny and moving all at the same time!

The race was a fund raiser for the Prevention of Blindness and had over 850 participants (both walkers and runners), Erica's team (UIW) had 89 team members (and they provided the tshirt).  The group that sponcered the race, gave vision screenings/exams to over 5,000 low income/unisured people in Bexar County last year and referred over 500 for follow up care.

Next years race will be  Friday December 7,2012, and I can't wait!
Still smiling after the race, and yes those are live flamingos! 

Thursday, December 1, 2011

November Recap - What a month!?!

Our 7 lb Turkey!

November, what a month it was.  First and most importantly, Luke joined us in time for thanksgiving, him and his mom are doing just fine, giving us another reason to be thankful.  Lindsay prepared the thanksgiving day meal and did a wonderful job of it.  None of us were struck with food poisoning, again giving us reason to thank the Almighty for his blessings.  We got to have a Sunday dinner with Erica, Tom  and my mom, and return the hedge-hog to Erica, and yes it was still alive, giving me a few more reasons to count my blessings!  We purchase a new little car, giving us transportation once again.  Finally, and not necessarily least, Michigan 40, Ohio State 34, priceless!

The finish line (and ambulance) are in sight!

I ran a 5k in November, the Fredericksburg Turkey Trot, and took 3rd in my age group, receiving the bronze medal for my efforts, and the fact that only 2 others in my age bracket participated!  It was a beautiful day for a run.  I finshed the race in 39:59, breaking the 40 minute mark!

I'm signed up for 2 runs in December.  Friday is the 5k run at Sea World.  I'm pumped about it, and hope to do well.  Sea World should be decorated for Christmas so I'm expecting a neat 'looking' run.  I'm also signed up for the Jingle Bell Run for Arthritis, and am looking forward to that race.

Speaking about looking forward, Leta gave me my Christmas gift early.  She got me a Garmin Forerunner 410, a GPS sports "watch", that can track all kinds of workout and run data, helping in training and running of races.  She gave it to me early so I could try to figure out how to use it, prior to the upcoming races.  So far, I've figured out how to charge it!  <I should be reading the owners manual now, but of course this blog is more important!>

Did I just mention workout statistics and facts?  My numbers from November are a mixed bag. My weight is back up, I'm within 1 pound of the dreaded 200 pound mark.  I did work out a few more times in November than in October, and ran 20.97 miles vs just over 8 miles.  My total mileage for the year stands 321 miles.

Goals for December:  Increase mileage again, exercise more consistently and add some 'cross training', resume lossing weight, and set goals for next year!

How was your November?  What are you most thankful for?  Do you set goals or make New Years.'s resolutions?

Well laundry should be just about dry.  Gotta run!